Il campionato del mondo a squadre della raffa, già programmato per il mese di maggio a Livermore, in California, si trasferisce in Sud America. Si giocherà a novembre in Argentina. “Non saranno gli Stati Uniti ma l’Argentina ad organizzare il mondiale 2012 a squadre della raffa” ha comunicato infatti Pietro Brucciani, vicepresidente della Federbocce italiana e dirigente della Confederazione Boccistica Internazionale, “poiché i dirigenti americani... Confederation Argentina de Bochas è impegnata ad organizzare il campionato del mondo maschile a squadre e, giorno dopo giorno, sta attuando il programma dei lavori che le sono stati indicati dalla CBI, la Confederazione Boccistica Internazionale della raffa che le ha assegnato l’incarico di ospitare la più spettacolare manifestazione internazionale ella specialità raffa. La corsa al titolo iridato si giocherà a Puerto Iguazù, una rinomata... Campionato Open d’Australia della specialità raffa a terne, svoltosi al Bocciodromo del Club Marconi di Sydney durante la giornata nazionale australiana, ha richiamato il numero massimo di 66 concorrenti. Le ventidue squadre provenienti da Mt Gambier nello stato del Sud Australia, da Latrobe Valley nello stato del Victoria e dallo stato ospitante, il Nuovo Galles del Sud. La gara svoltasi nel fine settimana tra il 25 e il 26 gennaio è stata molto competitiva anche... è svolta durante l’Europeo Femminile di Saluzzo la riunione con i massimi dirigenti mondiali ed europei delle bocce, (C.M.S.B. F.E.S.B. ed E.B.A.) per l'istituzione della Confederazione Europea C.E.S.B. (Confederation Européenne des Sports de Boule). Si è dato il via ad un’azione per una struttura che veda rappresentate tutte le specialità di gioco in grado di confrontarsi con le organizzazioni e le associazioni europee. Verbale...’ambito dei campionati Europei di Crema, che hanno avuto un grande successo tecnico-organizzativo, venerdì 30 settembre, si è svolta, presso la “Sala dei Ricevimenti” del Comune di Crema, l'Assemblea Elettiva della E.B.A., presieduta da Romolo Rizzoli Presidente della C.B.I. (Confederazione Boccistica Internazionale) e della Federbocce Italiana. Una giornata importante che ha visto l'approvazione del nuovo statuto che prevedeva anche il cambiamento...
Si è svolta durante l’Europeo Femminile di Saluzzo la riunione con i massimi dirigenti mondiali ed europei delle bocce, (C.M.S.B. F.E.S.B. ed E.B.A.) per l'istituzione della Confederazione Europea C.E.S.B. (Confederation Européenne des Sports de Boule). Si è dato il via ad un’azione per una struttura che veda rappresentate tutte le specialità di gioco in grado di confrontarsi con le organizzazioni e le associazioni europee.
Nell’ambito dei campionati Europei di Crema, che hanno avuto un grande successo tecnico-organizzativo, venerdì 30 settembre, si è svolta, presso la “Sala dei Ricevimenti” del Comune di Crema, l'Assemblea Elettiva della E.B.A., presieduta da Romolo Rizzoli Presidente della C.B.I. (Confederazione Boccistica Internazionale) e della Federbocce Italiana. Una giornata importante che ha visto l'approvazione del nuovo statuto che prevedeva anche il cambiamento del nome E.B.A. in C.E.R....
Lundi 12 octobre, le Président de la CMSB Claude Azéma, assisté des présidents de la CBI Romolo Rizzoli et de la FIB Christian Lacoste, donnera une conférence de presse à l'ouverture du salon Sportel à Monaco pour annoncer officiellement aux médias la candidature de nos sports boules aux Jeux Olympiques.
The extraordinary assembly of CBI was held in Mendrisio-Switzerland on the 26th May 2018. The new executive committee was elected unanimously by the votes of 39 countries represented out of 51 members for the following 4 years term.
4-11 March 2019San Miguel de Tucumán el Jardín de la República, Tucumán - ARGENTINA
Italy wins the gold medals in all three disciplines in European Women Championship, played in Sondrio, Italy, on 18-21 September 2018.
CBI Board of Directors and Technical Committee had a 2 days working meeting on 20-21 September in Sondrio, Italy during the European Bocce Championship. The first day, general discussions with the participation of the head delegations took place. The second day the meeting was solely between the board of directors and the technical committee.
Italian team took the first place wining against San Marino, Switzerland third place and Turkey fourth place in International Quadrangular Tournament played in Campobasso on 1-2 December.
First Asia & Oceania Raffa Championship was held in New Delhi, India from the 1st to the 4th of December. A referee seminar and Foundation Assembly of Asia & Oceania Bocce Confederation were also organized along with the championship.
The president of CBI, Mutlu Turkmen, visited the vice president of International Olympic Committee (IOC), Ugur Erdener, and had a fruitful meeting on the bid of Boules Sports inclusion to the 2024 Paris Summer Olympic Games.
World Bocce Championship, with the new format and new disciplines, was held successfully in Tucuman Argentina between the 5th and the 10th of March 2019.
In an important meeting held in Rosario Argentina, it was confirmed that Bocce will be one of the official sports in South American Games in 2022 which will be held in Asuncion, Paraguay.
Italian team dominated European Seniors Championship held in Innsbruck, Austria from 10th to 14th September 2019 winning 4 gold medals. 15 national teams competed in the championship which will qualify the first 7 nations in each category separately for the 2021 World Championship.
The first Asian Oceania Juniors Championship was held in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia with the participation of 6 nations and 7 teams. The organization which qualified first 3 teams for the world championship was a big success.
CBI was approved as a full member of TAFISA during the 26th TAFISA General Assembly held in Tokyo on the 15th of November 2019.
Bocce will be included in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games which will be held in Konya, Turkey, in 2021.
During the 3rd International World Ethnosport Forum which was held in Antalya Turkey with the participation of delegates from 49 countries including 11 ministers of sports. One of the participants in the forum was CBI president Mutlu Turkmen and signed an MoU with the president of WEC, Mr. Bilal Erdogan.
CBI Executive Committee had an online meeting on the 11th of April at 13:00 (CET Time) and decided to postpone World Juniors Championship to 2021.
CBI Executive Committee had its first meeting of 2021 on the 16th of January in order to discuss various issues.
The 2021 Libya Championship was organized in Tripoli, November 13-14, 2021, with the participation of 106 players.
30 October - 5 November 2022Mersin - TURKEY
CBI ExCom virtual meeting was held on the 17th December 2021. The meeting started with a 1-minute silence for the memory of Mr Limardo, CBI vice-president, who passed away a short time ago. The main issues discussed and decisions taken in the meeting are as follows;
CBI national referee course was held in Tunisia between 3-7 February 2022 with the support of the Libyan Federation.
PanAmerican Juniors Bocce Championship was held in Carlos Barbosa, Brazil from the 4th to the 10th of April 2022.
Algerian Raffa and Billiards Federation hosted the joint African Championship of Raffa and Volo in Algiers, Algeria from 7 to 13 May.
CBI President, Mutlu Turkmen, visited the two Algerian ministers and the centre for African Raffa Confederation before and after the Mediterranean Games competitions.
5-8 December 2022Kota Bharu - MALAYSIA
Bocce took its place for the first time in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games which was held in Konya-Turkiye from 9th to 18th of August 2022.
From October 1st to 15th, the XXII South American Games of Asunción 2022 were held, the most important sporting event in South America, in which Bocce was on the stage between October 12th and 14th.
The Extraordinary Elective General Assembly of Confederation European Raffa (CER) was held in Bergamo on 26th November 2022.
The former chair of the CBI Auditors Committee, Mr. Mehmet Demirdelen, lost his life on the 4th of June due to a heart attack.
Paraguay Bocce Federation hosted the second PanAmerican Juniors Bocce Championship which qualified the teams for the coming World Juniors Championship in Algeria.
European Juniors Championship in Rome was finished with the amazing performance of the athletes on the final day.
The World Juniors Bocce Raffa Championship was held in Oran, Algeria from 19 to 23 September 2023, simultaneously with the World Juniors and Espoirs Bocce Volo Championship.
The 15th National Petanque and Bocce Championships for Men and Women, together with the 16th General Assembly of the Iran Petanque and Bocee Association, were organized successfully at the newly opened center of this association talent identification and development located in the South-West of Iran in the Shahid Ghorbani International Sport Complex, Ahwaz City, Khouzestan Province during Feb 20-25, 2024.
26 October 2024Kemer, Antalya - TÜRKİYE
The European Juniors Championship hosted by the Austrian Federation in Innsbruck was a success for Italy, leading with a total of 3 golds. France was the rising team, taking second in the total ranking, followed by Türkiye with the same points.
The CBI General Assembly was held in Kemer during the World Championship, and Turkmen was re-elected as the president for the new cycle.
The Malaysian Bocce Federation hosted the Asian Oceanian Bocce Championship in Kota Bharu Kelantan between 7-12 December with the participation of junior and senior teams from seven countries. Please see the below file to see all the medallists;
Libya hosts the regular and elective general assembly meeting of the Arab Federation of Bocce. Under the patronage of the Libyan Ministry of Sports, the Libyan Federation of Bocce hosted the assembly in the city of Tripoli on 12-13 December. The president of CBI, Dr Mutlu Turkmen and the EC member of the Federation of Arab Sports Federations, Dr Basil Al Shaer, also participated in the assembly.
Before the 43rd edition of the historic and coveted “MB FIB AWARD” (Marche Bowls FIB Award), Pope Francis accepted the Bocce delegation in St Peter's Basilica, Vatican, including the regional and federal managers of the Italian Federation, and the CBI President.
CBI President Dr Mutlu Turkmen received the 'International Personality' award during the 43rd edition of the FIB MB Awards Ceremony held in the Honor Hall of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) on the 20th of December, 2024.
The 16th Iranian All Petanque and Bocce Championships for selecting men's and women’s national teams and the 17th General Assembly of the Iran Petanque and Bowls Association (IPBA) were organized successfully in Tehran from January 13-17, 2025. Last week was the second time that the most famous international venue in Iran, “Azadi Sport Complex”, hosted the national annual of the IPBA.