Bocce included in Islamic Solidarity Games
Bocce will be included in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games which will be held in Konya, Turkey, in 2021.
CBI President, Dr. Mutlu Turkmen, attended to the signature ceremony of the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games which will be held in Konya, Turkey, on 20-29 August 2021. There are 56 countries that are members of the International Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation (ISSF). The organizing committee of Konya 2021 decided to include Bocce for the first time in the history of the games.
Turkmen had a chance to meet the IOC Vice President, Dr. Ugur Erdener, during the ceremony and informed him about the possible project of Bocce for 2021. The main plan is to apply the three disciplines (Raffa - Petanque - Volo) all together in the organization.
After the ceremony, Turkmen also visited the possible venues where a new Boccedrome can be constructed for the organization. Another project is to organize an international tournament in Kemer, Turkey during the 12th International Kemer Bocce (Raffa-Petanque-Volo) in October 2020 with the members of ISSF as a preparation for 2021.