ExCom Meeting Decisions
CBI ExCom virtual meeting was held on the 17th December 2021.
The meeting started with a 1-minute silence for the memory of Mr Limardo, CBI vice-president, who passed away a short time ago. The main issues discussed and decisions taken in the meeting are as follows;
The board members evaluated the foundation assembly of the World Petanque and Bowls Federation.
Dr Giorgio Barone updated the members on the flow of the INTERACT project which is proceeding successfully.
Dino Amado, president of the technical committee presented the latest version of Precision Shooting and also informed the members about the changes in the International Tournament registration process. Both proposals were approved unanimously. Mr Amado also informed the members that free Precision Shooting kits were delivered to all continents and national federations can order kits from CBI.
Regarding the 2022 calendar, President Turkmen explained that Europe and Asia-Oceania are eligible to use previous continental qualifications for World Juniors Championship but African and PanAmerican continents need to organise qualification competitions at the latest in 3 months. Players who were born after the 1st of January 2003 will be eligible to play the championship, but the minimum age will be decided shortly after checking international rules on children protection. Each country that has a quota for any category will have the right to participate in precision shooting. The registration process will be announced after a meeting between CBI officials and the Italian Federation.
In 2022, CBI and FIB (Federation Internationale de Boules) will organise a joint World Singles and Mix-Doubles Championship which will be held in Mersin, Turkey at the beginning of November. There will be 5 categories for Raffa; Singles (men&women), Mixed-doubles, and Precision Shooting (men&women). The technical details will be published after the joint work of CBI&FIB technical committees comes to an end.
President Turkmen is going to start new work on the modification of the CBI statute and invited all board members to contribute to this process. A draft is planned to be shared with all member federations by the end of March 2022 and the new statute is planned to be approved during World Juniors Championship in Rome.
After the passing away of Ms Paola Pigni, a member of the technical committee, Snisa Stipic who is another member also informed CBI about his resignation from this post. Mr Amado proposed to include Rubén Di Gaudio and Alessandro Morani who are responsible for technical committees in their continents as new members. The proposal was approved unanimously.
By the way, we wish all our members and the Bocce players around the whole globe, very happy, healthy, and prosperous new year. May 2022 brings us all peace and joy.