Sono in pieno svolgimento i Campionati di bocce statunitensi. Giunti alla 18a edizione, quest’anno si svolgeranno in California, presso la società di Campo di Bocce di Livermore. La grande partecipazione a questa importantissima competizione è concreta dimostrazione della forte vitalità del movimento boccistico statunitense e di quanto questa disciplina stia sempre più conquistando il popolo americano. Le competizioni si concluderanno sabato 2...
Lundi 12 octobre, le Président de la CMSB Claude Azéma, assisté des présidents de la CBI Romolo Rizzoli et de la FIB Christian Lacoste, donnera une conférence de presse à l'ouverture du salon Sportel à Monaco pour annoncer officiellement aux médias la candidature de nos sports boules aux Jeux Olympiques.
19-23 September 2018St. Louis, Missouri, USA
1-4 November 2018Kemer, Antalya, TURKEY
1-4 December 2018 New Delhi - INDIA
1 December 2018Campobasso- ITALY
CBI Board of Directors and Technical Committee had a 2 days working meeting on 20-21 September in Sondrio, Italy during the European Bocce Championship. The first day, general discussions with the participation of the head delegations took place. The second day the meeting was solely between the board of directors and the technical committee.
13-17 November 2018Colonia Valdense - URUGUAY
International Bocce Tournament played in Missouri, USA resulted with the victory of the Italian team; MP Filtri Caccialanza.
10th International Kemer Open (Raffa, Petanque and Volo) Tournament and 2nd Balkan Bocce (Raffa, Petanque, and Volo) Championship were held in Kemer, Antalya, Turkey with more than 300 participants from 16 nations.
Italian team took the first place wining against San Marino, Switzerland third place and Turkey fourth place in International Quadrangular Tournament played in Campobasso on 1-2 December.
The president of CBI, Mutlu Turkmen, visited the vice president of International Olympic Committee (IOC), Ugur Erdener, and had a fruitful meeting on the bid of Boules Sports inclusion to the 2024 Paris Summer Olympic Games.
CBI President Dr. Mutlu Turkmen participated TAFISA Jurgen Palm Award Ceremony presented to the EU Commissioner Tibor Navracsics in Brussels.
7-8 September 2019Winterthur - SWITZERLAND
World Bocce Championship, with the new format and new disciplines, was held successfully in Tucuman Argentina between the 5th and the 10th of March 2019.
5-6 October 2019Lugano - SWITZERLAND
25-28 October 2019Kemer - TURKEY
Italian team dominated European Seniors Championship held in Innsbruck, Austria from 10th to 14th September 2019 winning 4 gold medals. 15 national teams competed in the championship which will qualify the first 7 nations in each category separately for the 2021 World Championship.
The first Asian Oceania Juniors Championship was held in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia with the participation of 6 nations and 7 teams. The organization which qualified first 3 teams for the world championship was a big success.
CBI was approved as a full member of TAFISA during the 26th TAFISA General Assembly held in Tokyo on the 15th of November 2019.
Bocce will be included in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games which will be held in Konya, Turkey, in 2021.
26-31 October 2021Kemer - TURKEY
During the 3rd International World Ethnosport Forum which was held in Antalya Turkey with the participation of delegates from 49 countries including 11 ministers of sports. One of the participants in the forum was CBI president Mutlu Turkmen and signed an MoU with the president of WEC, Mr. Bilal Erdogan.
CBI Executive Committee had an online meeting on the 11th of April at 13:00 (CET Time) and decided to postpone World Juniors Championship to 2021.
CBI executive committee had another online meeting on the 29th July 2020 evaluating new issues and ongoing problems caused by Covid19.
CBI Executive Committee had its first meeting of 2021 on the 16th of January in order to discuss various issues.
CBI Executive Committee had its virtual meeting on the 1st of July and decided to postpone the World Bocce Juniors Championship to 2022.
During the silence in the international tournament calendar, Lučenec managed to host the 11th edition of the Central European Raffa Tournament.
During the 12th International Kemer Open Tournament, the first "Precision Shooting" tournament was organized.
22-25 October 2022Kemer - TURKEY
The 2021 Libya Championship was organized in Tripoli, November 13-14, 2021, with the participation of 106 players.
30 October - 5 November 2022Mersin - TURKEY
CBI ExCom virtual meeting was held on the 17th December 2021. The meeting started with a 1-minute silence for the memory of Mr Limardo, CBI vice-president, who passed away a short time ago. The main issues discussed and decisions taken in the meeting are as follows;
22-23 July 2022Palazzo di Bocce, Lake Orion, MI, USA
CBI national referee course was held in Tunisia between 3-7 February 2022 with the support of the Libyan Federation.
After Tarragona 2018 where Raffa was represented with 1 sole discipline, Raffa took its full representation in Oran 2022 with all 4 disciplines, being played successfully.
Palazzo di Bocce hosted the second edition of its International Invitational Tournament on 22-23 July 2022.
Bocce took its place for the first time in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games which was held in Konya-Turkiye from 9th to 18th of August 2022.
The opening of the World Juniors Bocce Championship was held in the spectacular historical municipal square of Rome.
Mersin Toroslar Municipality hosted the press conference for the World Bocce Championships of Raffa and Volo, Mersin 2022, with the presence of the Governor of Mersin Mr Ali Hamza Pehlivan, President of CBI Dr Mutlu Turkmen and the Mayor of Mersin Toroslar Municipality, Mr Atsız Afşin Yılmaz.
25-29 October 2023Kemer - TURKEY
The 13th Kemer Open which gathers Raffa, Volo, and Petanque disciplines together was held in Kemer-Antalya from the 22nd to the 25th of October 2022.
L'Aquila, as the European Sports City in 2022, hosted an international Bocce tournament gathering 8 best players from the world.
The third edition of Asian & Oceanian Bocce took place in Kota Bharu- Malaysia, from 5 to 8 December 2022, with participants from 6 countries.
The French national team player Aurélien Corbihan hit the world record in precision shooting during the national championship held in Plaintel, France, on the 8th of April, 2023.
The former chair of the CBI Auditors Committee, Mr. Mehmet Demirdelen, lost his life on the 4th of June due to a heart attack.
28-30 May 2024Hong Kong - CHINA