Executive Committee Online Meeting
CBI executive committee had another online meeting on the 29th July 2020 evaluating new issues and ongoing problems caused by Covid19.
One of the main issues discussed in details was the project of the foundation of a new international governing body for Bocce-Boules Sport. All the members expressed their full willingness and support for a united action of among Bocce-Boules disciplines in order to achieve the dream of inclusion in the Olympic Games and other major multi-sport events.
The events on the calendar were also evaluated and all the continental qualification competitions planned in 2020 were cancelled. Both the continental qualification competitions and world championships will be reevaluated according to the progress of the control of pandemics. The final decision on the calendar will be made in the coming meeting which will be held by the end of the year.
The committee also approved to study on a module of online precision shooting competition which is proposed by the CBI technical committee. The concept will be developed by the TC and shared with all players as soon as possible.
Bocce will be included in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games which will be held in Konya on 10-18 September 2021. President Turkmen confirmed that 5 disciplines from Raffa (single men&women, double men &women, mixed-doubles) and 5 disciplines from Volo (progressive shooting men &women, precision shooting men & women, mixed relais) will be included in the competition program.