Dopo la riuscitissima ultima edizione del 2010, i Campionati Mondiali individuali maschili femminili e under 21 ritornano al Centro Tecnico della Federazione Italiana Bocce, di Roma. Come uno splendido replay sportivo dunque, questa inimitabile struttura ospiterà nuovamente i più grandi solisti delle bocce, interpretate al maschile, al femminile e dalle giovani speranze della raffa. La partita individuale ha un fascino tutto particolare. E’ un faccia a faccia sportivo... Circolare - Campionati Mondiali >> 1st Newsletter - World Championships >> 2a Circolare - Campionati Mondiali ITA-ENG-FRA-ESP >> Formulario Official / Form Official ITA-ENG-FRA >> Extra Official ITA-ENG-FRA >> Bocce Championship, with the new format and new disciplines, was held successfully in Tucuman Argentina between the 5th and the 10th of March 2019. executive committee had another online meeting on the 29th July 2020 evaluating new issues and ongoing problems caused by Covid19. Executive Committee had its first meeting of 2021 on the 16th of January in order to discuss various issues. Executive Committee had its virtual meeting on the 1st of July and decided to postpone the World Bocce Juniors Championship to 2022. December 2022Kota Bharu - MALAYSIA Toroslar Municipality hosted the press conference for the World Bocce Championships of Raffa and Volo, Mersin 2022, with the presence of the Governor of Mersin Mr Ali Hamza Pehlivan, President of CBI Dr Mutlu Turkmen and the Mayor of Mersin Toroslar Municipality, Mr Atsız Afşin Yılmaz. opening ceremony of the World Joint Raffa and Volo Championships was a huge gathering staging 52 teams from 37 countries. historical joint World Championships of Raffa and Volo gathering 52 teams from 37 countries ended successfully. World Juniors Bocce Raffa Championship was held in Oran, Algeria from 19 to 23 September 2023, simultaneously with the World Juniors and Espoirs Bocce Volo Championship. 15th National Petanque and Bocce Championships for Men and Women, together with the 16th General Assembly of the Iran Petanque and Bocee Association, were organized successfully at the newly opened center of this association talent identification and development located in the South-West of Iran in the Shahid Ghorbani International Sport Complex, Ahwaz City, Khouzestan Province during Feb 20-25, 2024. December 2024Kota Bharu Kelantan - MALAYSIA October 2024Kemer, Antalya - TÜRKİYE CBI General Assembly was held in Kemer during the World Championship, and Turkmen was re-elected as the president for the new cycle.