Italy wins the gold medals in all three disciplines in European Women Championship, played in Sondrio, Italy, on 18-21 September 2018. Asia & Oceania Raffa Championship was held in New Delhi, India from the 1st to the 4th of December. A referee seminar and Foundation Assembly of Asia & Oceania Bocce Confederation were also organized along with the championship. Bocce Championship, with the new format and new disciplines, was held successfully in Tucuman Argentina between the 5th and the 10th of March 2019. team dominated European Seniors Championship held in Innsbruck, Austria from 10th to 14th September 2019 winning 4 gold medals. 15 national teams competed in the championship which will qualify the first 7 nations in each category separately for the 2021 World Championship. first Asian Oceania Juniors Championship was held in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia with the participation of 6 nations and 7 teams. The organization which qualified first 3 teams for the world championship was a big success. took its place for the first time in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games which was held in Konya-Turkiye from 9th to 18th of August 2022. Juniors Bocce Championship was held in Rome from the 20th to the 24th of September 2022. After a long break due to the covid19 break, the juniors arriving from various destinations of the world enjoyed competing in the technical bocce center of Rome. The organization was a big success and players did their best to reach the result. Only the best 20 teams in each discipline qualified from the continents had a chance to show up in the championship. Toroslar Municipality hosted the press conference for the World Bocce Championships of Raffa and Volo, Mersin 2022, with the presence of the Governor of Mersin Mr Ali Hamza Pehlivan, President of CBI Dr Mutlu Turkmen and the Mayor of Mersin Toroslar Municipality, Mr Atsız Afşin Yılmaz. October 1st to 15th, the XXII South American Games of Asunción 2022 were held, the most important sporting event in South America, in which Bocce was on the stage between October 12th and 14th. Show in Pallino D’Or The 50th anniversary of the Pallino D’Or Tournament organized by the Sambucheto Bocce Club ended with an amazing show. the 43rd edition of the historic and coveted “MB FIB AWARD” (Marche Bowls FIB Award), Pope Francis accepted the Bocce delegation in St Peter's Basilica, Vatican, including the regional and federal managers of the Italian Federation, and the CBI President.