Durante i diciottesimi Giochi del Mediterraneo svoltisi a Tarragona-Spagna, Enrico DALL'OLMO di San Marino ha vinto una grande vittoria battendo l'italiano Alfonso NANNI con un punteggio di 12-2 nelle gare di Raffa single.
https://cbi-prv.org/vittoria-per-san-marino-nei-giochi-del-mediterraneoIl nuovo comitato esecutivo della CBI ha avuto il suo primo incontro a Kahramankazan, Ankara, in Turchia, il 3 agosto, e molte importanti decisioni sono state prese per avviare una vera riforma nello sport di Bocce.
https://cbi-prv.org/riunione-del-cbi-le-riforme-inizieranno-a-breveCBI Board of Directors and Technical Committee had a 2 days working meeting on 20-21 September in Sondrio, Italy during the European Bocce Championship. The first day, general discussions with the participation of the head delegations took place. The second day the meeting was solely between the board of directors and the technical committee.
https://cbi-prv.org/joint-meeting-between-cbi-board-and-technical-committeeDuring the silence in the international tournament calendar, Lučenec managed to host the 11th edition of the Central European Raffa Tournament.
https://cbi-prv.org/lucenec-hosted-11th-central-european-cupPanAmerican Juniors Bocce Championship was held in Carlos Barbosa, Brazil from the 4th to the 10th of April 2022.
https://cbi-prv.org/panamerican-juniors-bocce-championshipAlgerian Raffa and Billiards Federation hosted the joint African Championship of Raffa and Volo in Algiers, Algeria from 7 to 13 May.
https://cbi-prv.org/algeria-dominated-african-championshipThe World Juniors Bocce Raffa Championship was held in Oran, Algeria from 19 to 23 September 2023, simultaneously with the World Juniors and Espoirs Bocce Volo Championship.